miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017


Hello everyone, now I stay almost end the fisrt year studing psychology in the university ,but today I going to write about my favoutite subjet in this semester, I refer the psychology of personality. The teachers makes this subjet are Uwe Kramp and Danilo Sanhuza.
The contens address this class in all the semester are: the notion personality, the process historical, how different paradigm understand the personality, for example humanism, psychoanalysis and constructivims, and finally this class broach the evaluation psychological. 
In the psychology of  personality the more interesting and important are the coloquios, duranting the second semester in this subjet makes three coloquios, the first coloquio addressed about the origin historical of the study of personality, the second speeched about theorys of personality and the third coloquio will address about the point of view environment the evaluation psychological. 
I like this subjet because I can know  how the differents approach of psychology understand the personality, besides I like know other side of teacher Uwe, because in the first semester in the class of methodogy he teached and he was bored.

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